Friday, 24 June 2011

The Bay

Metronomy have been treating my ears!
They have an electro/indie/80's sound..
Metronomy - The Bay

Thursday, 23 June 2011

La Vista House - Mozambique

I went for a little surf trip to a country called Mozambique, in the south of Africa.
The roads are all sand and most buildings are vacant.
The waves are good and the locals are chilled, but when the sun goes down the Rum gets pulled out.
You'll notice no night shots due to the copious R&R's. (Rum & Raspberries)
If you ever go to Ponta Do Ouro make sure you pay Fernando's a visit..Thank me in the morning

The National Flag
One of the many ancient ruins..

"Administration of the Maitime of Maputo" but this is Ponto D' Ouro??
The view off the roof, down the road and into the surf.
Exploring after getting a little wet.
A baby eel washed up on shore, mega macro!
My friendly friend.
Having a couple sundowners and spotted this guy.
A luxury suite on the lake.
I do not remember taking this.
Leaving Fernando's...
The Hangover Part III for me, we drove up to the next point..
The only swell I could find.
Saying goodbye to a country that I will return to.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

A mini holiday

No photo's today..just some words..

Working as an unusual human in a building full of usual humans has taken it's toll on me today.
On a daily basis i get ripped about the way i present myself and when you're standing a room fulled with people you work with it's no fun, i often disregard the comments and move on. Today i turned as red as my skinnies and felt quite out of place, well..more out of place than usual, when comments were directed at me and 'my generation'..because of my age , 21, they find it very easy to take the joy out of my day by making senseless remarks about the low cut tees, pocket tees, cut skinnies with fold ups or contrast rimming, shorter than short shorts, the espadrilles and the leather plimsoles I often wear. Ha ha I can't imagine what they're gonna think when i get my hands on the suede almost bowling styled shoes I'm waiting for this country to produce, for men. I think we need more fashionable people coming forward in this place. I think the leading countries in fashion, for me, at the moment are Germany and definitely Australia.

I'm tired of walking into every shop and finding the same fabric, colours and styling being used for everydamthing. No wonder half the people in this place don't know who they are, they're all sheep lead by a country that has no definition in fashion. These companies would rather produce something that "sells" - "sells" being the same styles run for the last 10 years - than step out the box, take a risk and see what people really like. The rich are greedy.

It's funny though, the building I work in produces most of the leading fashion in my country and every brand has the same basic identity, except the brand i'm working at which is finally letting me have some influence on it. I see the world evolving and moving forward in the fashion industry, yet this place is still stuck in the 90's, it's as if we're on another planet. I do love it here and I never want to leave which is why I'm making an effort, or at least trying :), but days like today make me wonder if things will ever change.

I'm on leave for the next 4 days, I think I need it though ha ha.
I will return with more , uplifting, news and images to inspire or whatever..even just to look at.

Till then, enjoy your weekend!
TST person.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Night Skating

Cut your board and surf the earth!

Tripping Around

These are pretty old, like from 2010..yoh!ha ha
I went on a trip to Amsterdam for new years, thank goodness I had my camera though.
Most nights were a complete hallucinated reality.
Flying over Germany. The longest and worst trip I've had was almost over!
I was well confused when i saw this (that's the sun(if you were wondering)),
I was worried if the fungi was still running through my veins from the night before!
I asked a local walking past me if this was normal,
I'm still no too sure what he said, something along the lines of
"ik eb geen English gaa naa huis" and walked on.
I guess it is normal..
The last sunset of my trippy trip. No locals needed for this.

Monday, 13 June 2011


I love this..

Early bird

Morning surfs are amazingly beautiful and there's barely an annoying , hustling crowd out...but leaving your wetsuit at home is not cool, I drove back home to fetch it only to get back to the ocean to be part of the hustle! It was still a still a beautiful sunrise, from my side mirror.

The higher the sun got the more i felt like an idiot!ha ha
While I was surfing someone found the camera, not complaing though.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Out for a walk

Not something you want to see at work

Embracing macro on a rainy day

Thursday, 9 June 2011

The Drive Home - 8th June 2011

There's not a fagbone in me (ha ha that came out/in/out/in, wrong) but this rainbow needed to be captured.
note : i do not dislike gays.

The Music Festival

Such a dread full image

Yes, there's even a flower in the middle of the rim!
I smiled everytime i walked past this (",)

Blacking out over coffee..It was a big night
Breakfast - After the savages were done

Can you spot my little friend??

Pacman even got involved!

The Inland Dawnie - No swell and not a sound..bliss

Pure Bliss

My little wood character - Quite cheeky

Peeking through a port aloo

You are a beautiful person

Peacful vibes from this brother

VERY cheeky!
Not too sure what's going on here but i like it.
2 bottles down..

It was good..real good

Just do it

I'm not 1 for  sports brands - but it had to be done

Down to Business

These three intrigue me
They know something

1 Tree - 1 Hill

Locals ONLY..

Team Rider

KJ at Indians (secret spot(you'll never find it(ever)))

The world through these eyes..

This is my first post (ever)..
The beginning...