Wednesday, 11 April 2012

In the South of Africa for my cousins wedding. cousin's wedding in South Africa. Pretty epic. So was the wedding.

Needing directions. that's no cellphone, rather a carphone..
When we eventually got there, this was the car my cousin cruised in. what a lovely piece of machinery!

Burgers, without patties. Curry filled with additions of all sorts..
It doesn't look as amazing as it tasted.
If only camera's could capture smell!
We left the wedding and got back to a mates house where he handed me one of these.
Needless to say but my night was a blur!
Once again my camera helped me bring back some fuzzy memories..
The new balance on a grid.
In true wedding spirit!
After some other types of spirits..
Waking up on uShaka beach.
It was really beautiful, then my head started aching and hating on me.
Going macro on some local greenery. The legal type.
Durban's full of the illegal greenery.
Skating around the urban streets and I find one whole sidewalk with some life.
Dirtbin really leaving some dirtyness on the car.
I washed the car and said farewell to Durban.

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